Tips On Successfully Organizing A Friends’ Reunion At Home

Reunions are almost a miracle to make happen. This is especially true if all your friends have spread all around the globe, and have started working and building their empires. But it’s important to know that reunions are not impossible to make happen. Thanks to the internet, we now have the opportunity of finding long lost friends too! Here are a few tips on successfully organizing a reunion party…right at your home!

Make sure everyone knows the date well before hand

Life changes once school is done with. Unlike when everyone was living in the same neighborhood, and pretty much were having the same activities to deal with, you now have to consult each person about their availability of a specific date before settling on one. Always have a few options, and take a vote. It’s possible some may not be able to make it on that day, but if the majority can, then it will have to do. It’s also a good idea to constantly remind those who are coming about it; as busy schedules tend to make people forgetful.

Keep it at a convenient time – brunch or tea

Are some of your friends getting back to town just for this get together? If so, a party that’s too early (like a breakfast meet-up) or a party that will extend to late hours (like a dinner party) will both be inconvenient to those getting back, out of town. If you ask us, brunch or tea would be the best option. Sandwich catering Sydney is easier to deal with; but you can always opt for professional help if you feel it’s too much for you to handle. Better yet, ask everyone to pitch in, bring in a little bit for the brunch you are planning.

Make sure you refresh yourself with everyone’s choices

You might have known your friends like the palms of your hands a few years ago, but it pays to remember that people and choices change over time. They might not have been picky eaters, or even allergic to certain things when you knew them well, but chances are that things might have changed. It’s always better to know these, before you call the afternoon tea catering service. This is particularly important to remember if you haven’t seen your friends in the last few years…

Pull out the old albums – refreshes memory, breaks the ice –

If you haven’t seen them in a while, it’s quite possible that you might have to break the ice before conversation begins to flow more freely. One of the easies ways to do so, is by keeping your old photo album (with your friends) at hand. Rifling through the old pictures will not only refresh your memories, it will also help break the ice affectively.